Facebook LIVE Streaming Jonathan Ucran – Latest EIDL Grant & Loan Programs and PPP Program Information

This information will be useful to business owners, including self-employed sole proprietors, of all shapes and sizes. We ask that you please share this information with anyone that you think may have a need.

I will be hosting a Facebook Live today, Tuesday June 16th at 2pm

You do not have to have Facebook to watch this Public event.

The topics covered will be:

The EIDL Grant and Loan Program has been re-opened by the SBA. We will highlight program details to help you determine if this program is right for your business.
The PPP Program will come to a close in 2 weeks on June 30, 2020. For those businesses that have not made a PPP Loan Application, why not? What are you waiting for?

We are hosting this event to efficiently communicate with our client base. If you require assistance with the EIDL Grant & Loan Program or the PPP Program we ask that you email us at reception@ucrancpa.com and we will get you a scheduled time to work on your application. We will not be responding to any emailed questions prior to the Facebook Live event. The goal is for this event to preemptively answer your questions.

Yes, we are accepting new clients.

Thank You,


Jonathan L. Ucran, CPA, LLC

651 Putnam Pike

Greenville, RI 02828

Phone: (401) 349-5300
